31 December 2012

Atella Wiltbank Haws - New Years Resolutions

Shelby and I have been transcribing the Journals kept by Atella Wiltbank Haws. Below I have listed some of the years where she mentioned her thoughts at New Years. I believe that she sets a good pattern of analyzing how she has done the past year and then lists what she needs to work on for the new year.
I especially like her statement made Dec 31 1992 "Have I felt Joy?" I hope that you enjoy this brief look into Atella Wiltbank Haws' journals.

January 30, 1975
I come to the end of another year of my life, feeling sad that many things have not been accomplished. I believe my chief regrets to be in the field of record keeping my own personal journal and diary, also a big field in bringing up to date the group sheets of my family and loved ones, I am grateful for some days spent in this good work during the month of Dec, when I made many new group sheets for new families, relatives who had married this year, and began homes of their own- but I only scratched the surface, probably every sheet in my record books need some entries made of births, deaths, marriage, baptisms, endowments, and sealings, hopefully I will set some goals along the lines and get some results during 1975. We did some enjoyable work, Harvey and I during home evening through Nov and Dec after a lesson from the manual. We worked on our picture albums for each of the children in our family, thereby preserving many pictures we had accumulated during the years. These we used for presents for each family for Christmas. This nice book given me each year by my nephew Ronald Wiltbank is not being properly used, it is with sadness and regret I put away the 1974 book with most of the pages blank. I am very much aware of the commandment to keep records and I believe but I procrastinate and am aware that is sin, that needs repentance from by me. Probably the things I write are not very important but just the same it is a commandment and had not Nephi and the other men in the Book of Mormon kept this commandment, I shudder at what we would have missed. I love the Book of Mormon like to read it and have received great pleasure and I hope some knowledge, by listening to the recordings we have, as I sit and quilt or braid rugs I have listened to several times.

January 2, 1990
I start out the new year hoping to improve by overcoming some of my faults & failing, being less selfish, more forgiving, have more patience and self control. I feel certain that improvement in these areas would give more peace to me and to those near & dear to me.
My body is getting older & stiffer and full of pains & aches so I don't do as well as I wish I could, but thanks to the kindness and help of my family I was able to get 34 endowments done in the [Mesa] Arizona temple this past year and I have made & given away a goodly number of quilts & rugs.

December 29, 1990
Another year is ending. It reminds me that I am probably nearing the end of my time here on earth, and presents the question, How have I done? Nothing could please me more than to think that my judge just might say well done. At lease I do have the desire and do put forth some effort each day trying to do better.

December 31, 1992
The year is drawing to a close, time to consider has it been well spent? Have I accomplished anything worthwhile? Have I felt joy? If so in what area was that felt? All of these questions can give me serious thought, and it seems the answer is service, given willingly it can bring joy.

January 1, 1999
Ready for a good 1998. Just be more trusting, have more faith in our Lord and Saviour. He loves us and would like to help us if we can follow in His footsteps. I am grateful for all I have been given and pray for strength to carry on until the end. 

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