07 March 2020

Harrison Burgess' Doubts and Visions

Recently I was visiting with my niece Hannah and she told me that she had learned something interesting about our ancestor Harrison Burgess. This story was found in the personal history[1] written by Harrison Burgess. In this history he relates the following about his conversion
"I was born Sept. 3rd, 1814 in the town of Putnam, Washington County, State of New York. I lived with you [my] parents until I was 14 years and a part of the time afterward and being the oldest of my Father’s Family I was kept constantly at work and had but little opportunity of acquiring an education. My father made no profession of religion but led a moral and virtuous life. My childhood was not marked with any crime although I paid but little or no attention to religion until the 17th year of my age. In July 1832, when I first heard the fullness of the Gospel proclaimed by Elder Simeon Carter. At this time I was convinced that the Scriptures were true and that the Book Of Mormon was a divine Revelation from heaven. I was baptized by Elder John J. Carter and confirmed a member in the Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints by Elder Orson Pratt. I spent the following winter in going to School, and working for my board and in meets [meetings] with the Saints." 
Harrison was called to serve missions preaching the gospel and in his personal history he recounts the following experience which shows the power that the adversary can have on all of us
"In the spring of 1833 I started in company with Brother John L. Carter to the State of Vermont. We came to the Benson Branch where I was ordained a Priest under the hands of Br. Carter with whom I continued to travel and preach for about two months in the state of Vermont. We then returned to the state of New York.
"On the 3rd Sabbath in May while speaking to a congregation I declared that I knew the Book of Mormon to be true and the work of God. The next day while I was laboring in the ----------something seemed to whisper to me, “Do you know the Book of Mormon is true?” My mind became perplexed and darkened and I was so tormented in Spirit that I left my work and retired into the woods. The misery and distress that I there experienced cannot be described. The tempter all the while seemed to say, “Do you know the Book of Mormon is true?”
Upon reading this account I was amazed at the power that the adversary has to darken our mind if we let him. Harrison continues telling his experience in his personal history
"I remained in this situation about two hours. At last it came into my mind the faith that the Brother of Jared had in obtaining knowledge of God for himself, and others also. I resolved to know whether I had proclaimed the truth or not, and commenced praying to the God of heaven, for a testimony of these things. When all at once the vision of my mind was opened, and a glorious personage clothed in white stood before me and exhibited to my view the plates, from which the Book of Mormon was taken."
Harrison was able to overcome his doubt's when he chose to pray. He never again doubted his testimony and served as a bold witness of the truth.

1. Sketch of the life of Harrison Burgess, the son of William and Vilate Burgess, Harrison Burgess, Date unknown

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