13 May 2012

Honoring a Great Mother - Sarah Hannah Brown

I would like to Honor our mothers by Highlighting my Great Great Grandmother Sarah Hannah Brown Crosby.

Sarah Hannah Brown Crosby was a mother of 12 children of which 8 lived to adulthood. She raised her children living as a pioneer in Southern Utah and Northern Arizona in little towns that were being developed. She was a great woman who was also a great Mother. She penned the following "Pearl of Thought"1 which I believe is an appropriate statement about Women and Motherhood on this Mothers Day. It is found in a collection of writings from Eagar in the Church Historical Department and titled "Pearls of  Thought 1886-1901".

At Her Wedding
As A Mother
As A Grandmother


Sarah Hannah Brown Crosby
I was thinking last evening of the occurrences of the day,
so full of small happenings
 and yet so empty of any great acts such as one is likely to admire in other women. ...
What does the work of my whole day amount to after all when it is done?
Here a stitch or two taken in a little pair of pants,
there a shoe picked up and put in place,
the little ones' troubles listened to patiently and kissed away,
the husband cheered and encouraged with loving words
when he returns at noon and evening,
in fact the whole family strengthened and refreshed.

Surely this is work worthy of the good angel of the household-woman.
Of course discourgement must come.
All of us must have our blue Mondays occasionally;
yet who, in thinking over the many deeds of women (not household drudges),
will but acknowledge that our work is a great and a grand one.

Others may do grander but not nobler work than we homemakers.
The nightingale may sing a louder but not a sweeter song than the linnet.

1 - Pearls of Thought 1886-1901 - LDS Church Historical Department Archives and Library, Salt Lake City, LR2392-21.

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