06 May 2012

Testimony of Atella Wiltbank Haws

I recently found a testimony written by my Grandmother Atella Wiltbank Haws. It reminded me of how spiritually strong she was. I wanted to share it will all of her descendents.

"Having been asked by my daughter Dorothy to write my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to be used in their family home evening in November, 1965, I approach this eagerly and willingly, but humbly, knowing I am inadequate to do it as well as I would like it done.
I am extremely grateful for an ancestry who had accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and moved with the body of the church, when and wherever called, from New York to Nauvoo, to Salt lake, to Dixie, then on to Arizona; for parents who believed in the principle of eternal marriage enough to make the trip from Eagar, Arizona to St. George, Utah to the temple of the Lord, by horsedrawn, covered wagon, taking 19 days each way, that they might be sealed by proper authority for time and eternity; For a father who always kept these marriage covenants sacred and who believed in paying an honest tithing on his income. For a good mother who taught us to pray, to love the church and to accept any calls made to us from our authorities; who went with us to primary, Sunday School and Sacrament meeting, even though this usually meant walking the 2 miles to the church house.
Looking back, after 67 years of life, I am sure the church has meant more to me than any other factor, in making my life what it has been.
My years at the church academy, my nurses training at a church hospital, my marriage, being made eternal at the Salt Lake Temple, are the high lights of my life, I sincerely appreciate the many opportunities for growth and the development of my abilities and talents, which have come to me because of the call to different offices and positions in the auxiliaries of the church. I am deeply grateful for a good clean kind husband, who endure much suffering in this life, and for the children whom God gave to us. They have been good, obedient and thoughtful and desirous of living the Gospel.
For these many things, I thank my Heavenly Father and want you, my children, to know that I know that God lives, that we are his children, that he loves us so much that he gave his Son, Jesus Christ, that we might be redeemed and again be united in the Kingdom of our Father.
I know too, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in this day, through the Prophet Joseph Smith, and that we are being led by prophets today, who received revelation for the good and upbuilding of the Kingdom of God here on earth. I realize that this life is a time given us to test our ability to do as we have been commanded; I also know that the more nearly we can live in obedience to the laws the greater happiness we will enjoy. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

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